Becoming a Light of Truth

A more precise title of this posting would be: “Becoming a Light of Truth to those in Spiritual Darkness.” When I obtained this website ( a few years ago it was because “Light of Truth” was already taken; I added the UB because the focus of my book (“Light of Truth, Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”) is The Urantia Book. It was some time before I realized it had another meaning: “U B Light of Truth,” in other words: “YOU can BE a LIGHT OF TRUTH.”

In this posting we briefly discuss the sad state of affairs in current society; this emphasizes society’s need for many lights of truth. We then outline how each of us can become a light of truth for our sisters and brothers, especially those who hunger and thirst for spiritual guidance.

Troubled Society

There are many troubling trends in society; our social fabric is starkly polarized in many ways. Among these stress fractures are political, economic, racial, labor, and religious tensions; add to this mix the rise of many hate groups and authoritarianism around the world.[1] How did these flash points arise seemingly arise all at once? Actually these stress issues were increasing throughout the twentieth century; they became suddenly conspicuous as a result of COVID-19. To understand what is going on we briefly examine world history, a 30 second version.

For most of the history of planet Earth, change was exasperatingly slow. True, communication was spotty at best, but there was just not much of long-term value going on. During the last 5,000 years only a few things stand out as making a lasting change; following is a short list of newsworthy events during this time period, selected at random.


Abraham: ~1900

Moses: 14-13th century

Buddha: 6-5th cent.

Muhammad: b. 570

Alexander the Great: b 356

Jesus: b. 7


Norman Conquest of England: 1066

Genghis Kahn: b. ~1162

Magna Carta: 1215

Black Death (Bubonic Plague): 1347-1351

Gutenberg Bible: 1455

Martin Luther: 95 Theses, 1517

There were certainly other sudden events such as wars, plagues, and famines, but these generally had little impact on the gradual evolution of society at large. In spite of sudden upheavals, lives of the vast majority of people were little changed over time.

Things started to pick up in the last quarter of the 19th century, particularly with scientific advancements by Louis Pasteur and others.

20th Century “Progress”

Contrast this with the progress achieved during the twentieth century alone, which is mind boggling. My father, born in 1901, was a rural mail carrier; he started with a horse and buggy and lived to watch men walk on the moon. My wife’s grandmother, born at nearly the same time, arrived in Kentucky by covered wagon. Such a staggering level of progress in a short period of time places drastic stress on the fabric of society. It is like running downhill as fast as you can, there will come a time when you lose control and fall on your face.

It is important to consider what sort of progress was made in the previous century. All of these advancements were materialistic, based mainly on science; there was also progress based on the mind, for indeed this is where scientific gains originate. However, a third and equally important component of our being, spiritual reality, has been ignored while our materialistic society races madly downhill toward certain destruction.

There has been no significant advancement in the spiritual awareness of society since Jesus of Nazareth over two thousand years ago. We are about to pay the price for this spiritual neglect: the collapse of society as we know it.

We are already seeing the start of this collapse: in grocery stores there are empty shelves, our favorite brands may be missing; in July I ordered a book (“Please Scream Inside Your Heart” by Dave Pell) which was supposed to be shipped in September, but there was a delay in the book binding, it arrived in the second week of November. Ports in California are clogged with ships that cannot be unloaded because there are not enough truck drivers to carry the goods away; trucking companies have trouble hiring drivers because many applicants fail drug tests; many businesses are unable to hire enough qualified workers. And there is more: this year there has been large number of cases concerning violent passengers on airline flights, many more than previous years. A lot of people are just angry.

Our society is coming apart because it has no moral foundation; we desperately need a spiritual uplift.

We who study The Urantia Book have all the information we need to begin this spiritual renaissance. What are we going to do with this revelation? How can we use it to begin the spiritual transformation of planet Earth?

Lights of Truth

We have this revelation but many of its students do not fully appreciate it. Many treat it as if it were a textbook, perhaps a history textbook. I have attended study groups where it was read like a phonebook. This is the fifth epochal revelation of truth to our planet; {Epochal Revelations} only the fifth time in our planetary history advanced truth has been revealed to us. Treat it as such!

We begin this process of spiritual transformation by applying the teachings of The Urantia Book in our daily lives. The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys.[2] We use these keys of sincerity as we make decisions to do the will of God; in this way we grow stronger in the Kingdom of Heaven. Each decision we make can have an impact on our soul depending on how sincere we are; we cannot become a light of truth while harboring falsehoods and insincerity.

Spiritual progress is predicated on intellectual recognition of spiritual poverty coupled with the self-consciousness of perfection-hunger, the desire to know God and be like him, the wholehearted purpose to do the will of the Father in heaven.[3] We cannot make spiritual progress until we realize we are spiritually impoverished, that is when we develop perfection hunger, an indescribable reaching out for something above and beyond us.

As we reach out with perfection hunger we begin to manifest fruits of the spirit in our lives; it is at this point that we are beginning to become a light of truth. You who know these truths must yield the increase of the fruits of the spirit and manifest a growing devotion to the unselfish service of your fellow servants. And remember that, inasmuch as you minister to one of the least of my brethren, you have done this service to me.[4]

Those who are lights of truth care about each one of their sisters and brothers. They know as a truth everyone has within an actual spark of God, they know God respects everyone equally. We become a Light of Truth when every moment of our lives radiates our faith, our absolute certainty that life eternal is ours for the asking.

Being a Light of Truth means we exhibit our firm faith in every interaction with those around us. It becomes our way of life into eternity.

Being a Light of Truth does not necessarily mean doing anything flashy; the most valuable aspect is in the ordinary, everyday interactions with those around us. Perhaps any contact might ignite another light of truth. Being a Light of Truth is a fulltime endeavor.

Together we can light up our world, Michael’s world!

  1. For a look at how autocracy spreads see:

  2. Unless otherwise stated, all references are to The Urantia Book one column edition in the format page:paragraph 435.7

  3. 1095.5

  4. 1917.1

Spiritual Focusing – A Beginning


This is Sneakers who had a harrowing adventure in Middle Tennessee a couple of months ago. She sleeps pretty much wherever she wishes; this time a local restaurant menu was nearby.

In the last posting I discussed “Born Again” which did not generate much interest; possibly because this topic has been hijacked by Bible thumping evangelicals. Even though the phrase is used in The Urantia Book, as well as the Bible, I do not recall it being discussed in the Urantia community. Jesus discussed it and he certainly was not a fiery preacher; Peter was a more effective preacher, while Jesus was a teacher speaking to our souls.[1] Jesus said: I declare to you, except a man be born of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. (The Urantia Book, 1602.4) The previous posting was actually a sort of introduction to what will probably be a series of postings about something I am currently developing. This posting gives more background for the process.

I call the process Spiritual Focusing. Originally I wanted to call them Spiritual Exercises but that term was taken by St. Ignatius of Loyola nearly 600 years ago. The process I will describe is certainly not any type of exercise; rather it is a practice leading to a more spiritual focus in our lives. It is difficult to describe it in a few words, but Spiritual Focusing can be done “in the spirit” while we are doing other things in the flesh. There may even an improvement in our health as we grow spiritually using this technique.

Physical Birth and Spiritual Birth

After physical birth we have been born of the flesh, but it takes some years before we become self-aware and are able to begin contemplation of things and beings beyond ourselves. Our focus at this time is essentially materialistic. Even when we become mature and think about more spiritual matters it is usually from a material perspective. Spiritual reality is something totally beyond our physical comprehension. I propose a practice that can assist us in becoming more spiritual.

Being born of the spirit gives us a more spiritual way of looking at things. We are becoming more aware of eternity, true values, and the purpose of our existence. We KNOW there is more to our existence than what might come into our physical awareness.

Our motivation for undergoing this process comes when we realize our greatest adventure in the flesh consists in the well-balanced and sane effort to advance the borders of self-consciousness out through the dim realms of embryonic soul-consciousness in a wholehearted effort to reach the borderland of spirit-consciousness — contact with the divine presence. (Urantia Book, 2097.2) The process I will describe in subsequent postings begins our journey into “embryonic soul-consciousness” and possibly beyond.

There are certainly no guarantees for what happens when Spiritual Focusing is practiced, but there is a distinct possibility we will experience spiritual progress. Spiritual growth yields lasting joy, peace which passes all understanding.[2]

Who Can Benefit from Spiritual Focusing

One does not need even a partial comprehension of teachings in The Urantia Book to attempt this process; Spiritual Focusing is not mentioned in its pages, but it is compatible with the message of the revelation. It is vital to have a strong desire to experience spiritual growth; we must sincerely want to grow closer to our Heavenly Father who is present within each one of us.

There are individuals who would not gain anything from this process: those who are unspiritual, dogmatic, self-centered, and unwilling to grow spiritually. Those who are firmly grounded in materialism will have difficulty finding spiritual focus. In this and any other endeavor we cannot make progress unless we sincerely desire it.

Those who will benefit most from this process already have some spiritual background; they may have attended Church or followed some other spiritual teaching. They have moved past pure materialism toward an increasing awareness of the value of each one of our sisters and brothers. These individuals are seeking a greater awareness of value and purpose. They want to draw closer to our Heavenly Father.

Our Faith Struggle

Being born again implies some sort of struggle; our physical birth usually comes with pain both for the mother and the emerging baby. Being born again, our faith struggle, is necessitated by the vast gulf separating physical reality from spiritual reality. The spirit struggles of time and space have to do with the evolution of spirit dominance over matter by the mediation of (personal) mind….[3] Our physical body, our physical apparatus, is somewhat controlled by our mind. If we can somehow attain spirit guidance by spiritual focusing, we can then use spirit to influence our mind and therefore gain some influence over our physical body.

God who is spirit created all things and all beings, thus demonstrating the power of spirit. Spirit reality is primary overall. Those who are fixated in materialism, physical reality, are missing out on where the real action is: God. Our sincere faith struggle can guide each one of us toward a deeper comprehension of the creation around us.

The religion of the spirit means effort, struggle, conflict, faith, determination, love, loyalty, and progress. The religion of the mind — the theology of authority — requires little or none of these exertions from its formal believers…. Materialists shun those faith voyages of daring adventure out upon the high seas of unexplored truth in search for the farther shores of spiritual realities as they may be discovered by the progressive human mind and experienced by the evolving human soul.[4]

Suggested Readings

Following is a list of relevant Talking Points pages.

Death Becomes Graduation

God Within

Heavenly Family

Jesus – Bestowal

Jesus – Teachings

Jesus – the Man

Moral Foundation

Personal Religious Experience

Spirit of Truth

Spiritual and Physical Reality

Spiritual Free Will

Spiritual Guidance

True Religion

Truth Seekers

Tags: Spiritual Focusing, spiritual growth, truth seekers

  1. Urantia Book, 1594.4; this is in the format page:paragraph. All references are to The Urantia Book.
  2. 1097:7
  3. 1274.5
  4. 1729.6

How Should We Approach The Urantia Book?

We have been granted this Fifth Epochal Revelation, the most important revelation of truth since the life and teachings of Jesus over two thousand years ago; what are we going to do with it? How can we get into its teachings in a way that will transform our lives, even the life of every citizen of this beautiful blue marble in space? How can we wrap our minds around it?

The Urantia Book is a challenging read, how do we begin to understand it? The authors of this revelation would want us to start reading (studying) from the beginning. The human mind would ordinarily crave to approach the cosmic philosophy portrayed in these revelations by proceeding from the simple and the finite to the complex and the infinite, from human origins to divine destinies. But that path does not lead to spiritual wisdom. Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form of genetic knowledge, but at best it can only reveal man’s origin; it reveals little or nothing about his divine destiny. (Urantia Book 215.2)

The next paragraph expands on this thought. Even in the study of man’s biologic evolution on Urantia, there are grave objections to the exclusive historic approach to his present-day status and his current problems. The true perspective of any reality problem — human or divine, terrestrial or cosmic — can be had only by the full and unprejudiced study and correlation of three phases of universe reality: origin, history, and destiny. The proper understanding of these three experiential realities affords the basis for a wise estimate of the current status. (Urantia Book 215.3)

Not only do these quotes give reasons to start from the beginning, they also give an idea of the concentrated concepts in this Epochal Revelation. This is dense material, not intended for light bedtime reading. Every sentence is thought provoking.

There is another way for us to approach the study of this revelation, more relevant for us who are not used to thinking in these deep and precise ways. We should ask what interests us, what do we want to know. After we know the goal, we can proceed accordingly. There are several possibilities.

The most obvious is to learn about Jesus; there is much about him in the Bible, but much is also missing. What was he like as a child? For this read Paper 120, The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia, through Paper 126, The Two Crucial Years (page 1323 – 1394). What was he doing during the so-called missing years? This is discussed in Paper 127, The Adolescent Years, through Paper 134, The Transition Years (page 1395 – 1495). What exactly did he teach the apostles? We learn these things by reading Paper 136, Baptism and the Forty Days, through Paper 196, The Faith of Jesus (page 1509 – 2097).

Perhaps we might want to learn how our planet evolved, then read Paper 57, The Origin of Urantia (page 651 – 663); how life arose and changed Paper 58, Life Establishment on Urantia, through Paper 62, The Dawn Races of Early Man (page 664 – 710). We learn whether life was brought here or did it originate on this planet. To meet the first true human beings read Paper 63, The First Human Family (page 711 – 717)

To find out why our planet is in such a sad state today read Paper 53, The Lucifer Rebellion, and Paper 54, Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion (page 601 – 620). In addition also read Paper 66, The Planetary Prince of Urantia, and Paper 67, The Planetary Rebellion (page 741 – 762).

Another question is what is God like? For this read Paper 1, The Universal Father, through Paper 5, God’s Relation to the Individual (page 21 – 72). To learn what the Eternal Son is like read Paper 6, The Eternal Son, and Paper 7, Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe (page 73 – 89). What is the Infinite Spirit like? Then read Paper 8, The Infinite Spirit, and Paper 9, Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe (page 90 – 107). To learn about the Trinity read Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity (page 108 – 117). Where do they reside? This is revealed in Paper 11, The Eternal Isle of Paradise (page 118 – 127). For a description of the structure of the cosmos study Paper 12, The Universe of Universes (page 128 – 142).

To learn more about Adam and Eve see Paper 73, The Garden of Eden, through Paper 76, The Second Garden (page 821 – 854).

To learn about how civilization grew read Paper 81, Development of Modern Civilization (page 900 – 912).

If we want to learn about the evolution of marriage study Paper 82, The Evolution of Marriage, through Paper 84, Marriage and Family Life (Page 913 – 943)

To learn about religion, study Paper 99, The Social Problems of Religion, through Paper 103, The Reality of Religious Experience (page 1086 – 1142).

Those with a scientific background might tackle Paper 42, Energy—Mind and Matter (page 467 – 484).

If we are interested in government start at Paper 69, Primitive Human Institutions, through Paper 72, Government on a Neighboring Planet (page 772 – 820). Another excellent discussion of government is in Paper 134, The Transition Years; especially sections 3 – 6 (page 1485 – 1491) which are based on a series of lectures Jesus gave on the subject of government.

A link to each paper in the revelation is found on the Urantia Book page on this web site.

When one topic has been completed, move on to another and expand understanding of this revelation.

However, one final group of prospective students deserves more consideration. These individuals are driven to learn more about this revelation but do not know where to start, nothing seems to satisfy them. Something within drives them to learn more, to understand more. They feel something vital is missing from their lives. These are the truth seekers and they must make the extra effort to start from the beginning, with the Foreword.

In the Forward various concepts are presented along with the specific meaning attached to each. Among these are Deity and Divinity, God, the Seven Absolutes, Universe Reality, Energy and Pattern, the Supreme Being, God the Sevenfold and many more. The Forward is a challenging read but it lays the foundation for the rest of the book by presenting the meaning of words that are subsequently used. It should be referred to when the meaning of a specific term is uncertain; this is the definitive “dictionary” for the rest of the book.

When studying The Urantia Book we must keep in mind this precise word usage. We should make a sincere effort to comprehend its teachings but not get overly tangled up in details. We also should not become discouraged if there are things we do not understand at first because human beings are not used to thinking in these deep terms. It is a challenging read but the reward is immense: a greater and ever expanding understanding of creation!

There is one vital truth to keep in mind while studying this revelation; our Heavenly Father literally dwells within each thinking mortal on Earth. God is with us seeking to guide us into a greater realization of spiritual reality; this inner presence is assisting us to understand these concepts. Let Him!

After someone studies a few of these areas and is sincere about wanting to know more, the time comes when they will be a truth seeker and then they should study the revelation from the beginning, at the Foreword in order to gain the proper perspective.

Once The Urantia Book finds an individual, no longer will that person be bored, having nothing to do, because always there is much more to learn. The search for spiritual growth is truly endless, even eternal.

Website Progress and Service

Developing this website is a fascinating challenge, so many new things to learn. With each new thing there is a plugin that must be chosen, installed, learned, applied to the website, errors located and fixed. This is all about developing a platform to get the message out; this message must be shared with our sisters and brothers.

An important aspect of this website is the extensive crosslinking throughout the postings and pages. While reading a page, if there is a link to something you want to explore, right-click on the link and open it in another tab for later study. For example, if there is a reference to our Planetary Prince clicking on the link will present further information about him.

To find a reference to The Urantia Book, there is a link at the bottom of the Home page. This link goes to the new Urantia Foundation online search engine that finds the reference in question. There is even an audio option for the quotation that can be found at the beginning of the Paper. For example entering 1496.1 and clicking on the reference starts the paper about John the Baptist. Very soon I will have a separate page on the website linking to the online search engine and the text of The Urantia Book, so stay tuned, this is an ongoing process.

A recent addition to the website is a short commentary about each photo accessed from a link under the photo; there is also a page, “Photos,” that has each photo, a description and a link to its page.

Another new addition to the website is a link on the main page enabling users to sign up for the email list; once added they will be notified of new postings and other news. How could such a simple thing be so complicated? For this I needed two plugins and it was a struggle to get them working together. They are now up and running, but enough of that; what about service?

We know there is a spark of God within each thinking mortal, everyone has this gift from God and because of this everyone has equal spiritual value. Our Heavenly Father is actually present in our lives; we do not need to seek for Him elsewhere. This means He can literally guide us if we sincerely listen and follow this divine guidance. The more we listen and follow this internal advice, the easier it becomes the next time. God has a plan for our lives; it is up to us to follow that plan. The consequence of this is times when we must give attention to opportunities of service, even though it means we have to delay something else we want to do.

For example before Jesus was thirteen years old, a celestial messenger appeared before him telling him it was time to be about your Father’s business. (Urantia Book 1376.1) Just over a year later, when Jesus was barely fourteen, Joseph was killed in an accident at work; for Jesus this meant his young human nature must also shoulder the responsibility of caring for his widowed mother and seven brothers and sisters — and another yet to be born. (Urantia Book 1388.1)

Jesus had been instructed to be about his Father’s business, yet he had pressing obligations to his family that could not be denied. The story of how he lovingly cared for his family is a thrilling tale of devotion to duty; for example he spent two days in prison with his young brother Jude who had said unkind words about Roman soldiers.[1]

Jesus spent many years helping his family and learning how people lived their lives. He also toured the Mediterranean Sea for more than a year. Eighteen years after the celestial visitation Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River at Pella and began his public work.

Jesus was focused on following God’s guidance even though this meant delaying something else important, being about his Father’s business.

If you sincerely seek to do God’s will, there are going to be serious choices to make; if you are not so tested, your faith is not yet strong enough to be tested. If you are living a life of ease you have not faith because having true faith means being willing to go where we will be uncomfortable. God’s ways are not our ways, He knows the true way and only when we cooperate with His loving guidance can we make real spiritual progress.

Talking about service, Betty and I both have family obligations requiring us to delay other needful things, like developing this website for my book “Light of Truth: Anticipating the triumph of Righteousness” and other important obligations.

My brother needs surgery on both knees because he is in constant pain and his wife has trouble getting around. It is a long sad story of bureaucratic nonsense but he has been trying since February to have the operations; just recently he has finally been given a date in early September for the first knee. Betty and I need to be there to assist them during his recovery. Twice this year we have driven from western North Carolina to near Tampa, Florida thinking the operation was imminent only to find out otherwise.

Betty’s son on the southeast coast of Florida is downsizing and needs considerable maintenance, yard work and other necessary work. He has sold one house and another needs to be made presentable for prospective buyers.

We do these periods of service knowing our Heavenly Father has a plan for our lives; it is up to us to accept and cooperate with His plan. At each step along the way we must choose whether we accept and follow the will of God or reject His guidance.

If we have a strong moral foundation based on doing the will of our Heavenly Father there should be no hesitation when presented with service opportunities. This moral foundation guides us and gives us assurance that we have a firm underpinning upon which to build our lives and guide our decisions.

Periods of service are only partly about helping somebody else; they are also about growing a soul of eternal advancement possibilities. Each of us should sincerely and joyfully choose to do the will of our Heavenly Father because then our soul grows stronger, we help ourselves as much as we help others.

Tags: God Within, service, spiritual free will, Urantia Book, Truth Seekers

  1. The Urantia Book; the number refers to the single column version in the format page.paragraph, 1415.5-7