Eternity – UB Light of Truth Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness Tue, 31 Jan 2023 18:50:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 164784538 Goal of Life Thu, 21 Jul 2022 20:07:46 +0000 Continue reading Goal of Life]]> Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

We who have been granted The Urantia Book and seek to comprehend its revelations have some idea what lies ahead of us after physical death. If we so choose, there will be a glorious eternal future of everlasting growth and service for each one of us. How would our global society be transformed if this truth were widely accepted? The goal of studying this revelation should not be to totally understand every concept; rather each of us should constantly strive to live its truths to the best of our ability; allow them to expand our spiritual awareness by everyday living these teachings, making them the core of our being. The goal of this blog is to help realize a greater spiritual awareness among sisters and brothers; to spread these teachings of love and brotherhood.

But what is the life goal for any individual human being? The vast majority of our brothers and sisters have no eternal goal for their existence, they feel alone in creation; cosmically friendless. They do not know every thinking human being has within them a fragment of God, a divine and personal pilot gently guiding them into eternity. The goal of our existence should be to find God, the infinite creator of all things and beings. We begin this eternal journey by choosing to do God’s will, then communicating with and finally fusing with our inner spark of God; that is our certain entrance into eternity. The goal of our earthly life in the flesh must be to actively seek communion with our inner spark of God.

Choosing an Eternal Life

We begin this quest for spiritual growth by making a definite choice to do grow spiritually. For most of humanity this has not been a conscious choice; it should however be a determined choice for us to do God’s will and seek to become more like Him.

Our lives are beset with choices; every moment of our existence we make choices. Most of them seem innocent and unimportant, but in the long term there always will be consequences of any choice; in the moment we never know which of our choices will be significant to our eternal future. Every choice has to be treated as being vital to our eternal future. Every one. The nature of our choices indicates what we wish to become. Do our choices say we are selfish or sharing, materialistic or spiritual, living in the moment or seeking eternal life? By your choices you shall be known. Eternally.

A related aspect is how we choose to respond to difficulties; when something unpleasant happens are we going to shout something emotional or are we going to deal with the situation? These reactions must be natural; anything forced would not be effective. An emotional outburst may feel satisfying in the moment, but it does nothing to improve anything. Such a reaction might seem to be automatic, but these responses are the culmination of countless other choices. Our ordinary everyday choices truly determine the nature of, or even the existence of, our eternal future. By your choices you shall be known.

In our most mundane and earthly choices our desires become apparent. These choices appear as a result of our innermost longings; they arise as a result of our striving toward a specific goal. Without such a goal we are without any purpose in life; a ship in a storm without a rudder. What is your rudder?

Goal of Life

Before starting anything we need a plan leading toward any goal. If we are going to grandmother’s house we must know what we need to take and what route to follow. If we want a vacation there are plans and reservations to make. Certainly if we are building a house there are a multitude of plans with the goal of producing a pleasant, comfortable home. But what about our life? We cannot achieve what we want out of life if there is no plan, no goal. Having our goal of life gives us a purpose in life; this is vital.

The vast majority of brothers and sisters have no such plan. We are fixated on material goals which are of importance in the moment but after this mortal existence ends they are as ashes in the wind.

What should our goal be? Consider this:

Seek the greater thing, and the lesser will be found therein; ask for the heavenly, and the earthly shall be included. The shadow is certain to follow the substance.[1]

There can be no greater goal for any Earthly mortal than to seek our Heavenly Father who is the ultimate in substance. Having chosen to do the will of God, our Goal of Life must be to communicate directly with our internal spark of God, our Thought Adjuster. Seeking and eventually finding our Heavenly Father is the goal of goals.

Even though we continually have our life goal in mind we need to deal with each and every physical difficulty that will confront us. Everyday chores and extraordinary events are a part of life on Earth. Each of them has to be swiftly and lovingly taken care of while above these daily mortal events, our goal of life is always uppermost in our being.

Our Goal of Life is to find God within.


It would take a large book indeed to adequately describe our journey into eternity; this is an ultra-condensed version. For a more complete version, see The Urantia Book.

After physical death we awaken in the resurrection hall on high to begin our journey into eternity. When we become conscious we will be exactly the same as we are here on Earth, except we no longer have a physical body; instead we will have one that is part physical and part spirit. Our growth from a mostly physical form to a true spirit being is long and gradual. It may take millions of years before we leave the evolutionary realms of time and enter the perfect, eternal, central portion of creation.

At the center of creation are one billion eternal and perfect worlds circling Paradise and its 21 satellite worlds. These perfect worlds circle in seven circuits and we must spend considerable time on each circuit. Once we fuse with our Thought Adjuster we have become eternal beings, time is no longer an issue; we have all the time we need to pursue worthy goals. We spend the necessary time on each circuit before proceeding inward to the next level. At last we proceed to Paradise and are able to literally stand in the presence of the creator of all things and beings: our Heavenly Father. Once on Paradise there is much more to learn as we interact with many types of spirit beings; our eternal future will always be filled with growth and finding new levels of awareness. We will finally be entered into the Corps of Finality for further service.

As members of the Corps of Finality we will go forth to serve in the currently inhabited region of space. There is a requirement that we serve in other regions of creation before receiving permission to return to the world of our nativity. At all times we will be assisting others to grow spiritually. True service to others is always the key to spiritual growth.

That is the current known destiny for the Corps of Finality. When astronomers use powerful telescopes to peer into the skies, they see billions of galaxies, the vast majority of which are uninhabited. This brings the question: what will be our task in these outer space regions when they become inhabited? Nobody knows, but it is certain there will be many types of interesting ways to serve the future inhabitants of this vast region

This glorious future is available to everyone; all we need do is choose it by affirming this Goal of Life.

  1. 1823.3; The Urantia Book in the formal page.paragraph.

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