6 d – Implementation

Chapter 6 – Earth Federation


Once we realize the only true sovereignty lies with all people it becomes our duty to work to bring about Earth Federation. We do this by learning more about it, seeking out others who might be interested in learning about global sovereignty, forming a group to study the Constitution or perhaps finding ways to become an active part of the movement.

Individual nations claiming absolute sovereignty have no validity. Therefore we must struggle to bring about a legitimate world political system; that is the only way we can bring sanity to our planet. We can make this happen by civil obedience to a higher law, global law. These global laws have been enacted by a consistent system of legislation enacted by representatives of the people of Earth. The fact few are currently aware of these laws does not delegitimize them. As much as possible we should certainly follow the laws set up by the so-called nation-states, but our primary allegiance is to Earth and the laws of Earth Federation.

The people of Earth have a right to decide for themselves what their government shall be. Until now there has been no alternative, they either had to accept their government or else move to a place more favorable, but the latter option is not possible for many. All over our planet there are refugees fleeing unacceptable situations but facing unimaginable situations wherever they travel; this is not acceptable for any human being.

Conversion to a full Earth government will naturally be an uncomfortable process but it is necessary. People have the right to vote for admission to the Federation and as more and more nations enter it, Earth becomes more demilitarized, more peaceful.

The process outlined in the Constitution for the Federation of Earth is the only possible way to attain peace on Earth and goodwill to all persons. The only sovereignty having any meaning is that of every individual on Earth. Our civil obedience must be to this higher sovereignty, Earth sovereignty. Our Heavenly Father, who recognizes everyone as equal, has the highest possible sovereignty, but on this planet and in our lives we must adhere to Global sovereignty, Earth Federation.

The political sovereignty of representative mankind government will bring lasting peace on earth, and the spiritual brotherhood of man will forever insure good will among all men. And there is no other way whereby peace on earth and good will among men can be realized.[1]

Only representative government of all mankind can bring about true peace on Earth and goodwill among all persons. Anyone pushed aside or marginalized is a soul lost for all eternity; without question everyone needs to be included in the whole. The only possible sovereignty consists of all mankind. Our call to action is a command from God.[2]

This Constitution has been ratified by citizens of Earth; it is a comprehensive system of laws put in place by representatives of the citizens of Earth. Once we accept the Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth Constitution, we have committed to a higher calling to all humanity. We now become subject to the laws detailed in the Constitution. The illegitimate nation-states may have more weapons and armies to enforce their regulations, which have no foundation in true sovereignty, but we have behind us the sovereignty of all the people. God does not respect any person more than any other; therefore the equal sovereignty of all the people of Earth has precedence over any arbitrary sovereignty. “We are all morally and politically obligated to live under democratic world government.” We must give our allegiance to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, which has a higher and legitimate authority.[3]

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  1. 1491.7

  2. Martin, p. 44

  3. Martin, p. 189