6 c – Resistance to World Government

Chapter 6 c – Earth Federation

Resistance to World Government

We are not so naive that we expect instantaneous capitulation by the nation-states. There will be opposition and the way will be difficult but we are not alone in this fight; Earth and all who care about our physical, mental and spiritual surroundings are with us and assisting us. This Constitution for Earth is the only possible way to bring sanity into our political and economic system. It is the only way to bring about global disarmament and elimination of weapons of mass destruction. It is the only way we can hope to address the disastrous damage to our environment by humanity at every level, locality, government and corporation. Earth cries out for rehabilitation.

The most obvious opponent to the Constitution will be the so called nation-states. They have been in existence, in some cases, for hundreds of years and will not willingly relinquish their sovereignty and all the power and prestige going with it. Every nation has been so fixated on national issues that global issues are generally secondary to them; those under the nation-state system will be focused on resisting, otherwise they will lose power.

They will certainly be reluctant to give up their weapons and armies, claiming they will be defenseless without them. Their military leaders will be fearful about losing their positions of prestige, power and recognition. In addition, there is always a fear of the unknown; times of change are always trying but if we do not act the consequences will be much worse. Survival of Planet Earth depends on action.

When the people of any nation request a vote to join Earth Federation, it is probable the nation-state will use any and all means, legal or otherwise, to thwart the people’s wishes. Each nation will be a different set of difficulties, a different set of opportunities for advancement. During times of drastic change such as we will experience, constant attention to every detail is imperative.

There will also be resistance from individuals who may be uncertain of drastic changes. One of the biggest of these is the natural distrust of foreigners felt by many; they are insulated in such a way they are uncomfortable around anybody unfamiliar.

A large number might be comfortable with the current system and be unwilling to change. They may not appreciate the larger picture, what is happening in the larger world but concentrated only on their own situation; within their limited viewpoint they are content.

There are many who will be apathetic, don’t care either because they have been disenfranchised for so long they cannot conceive of anything different or because they have no concept of anything better. Evil and separation have been the rule for so long that many have lost all hope.

There will be a fear for many they will be ruled by the ignorant masses. Again, there is much fear in our society and this will be just another example. Many people have felt politically powerless for some time; they will then transfer this fear to some nebulous situation.

Some will feel threatened by changes or by “foreigners” coming in to tell them what to do. They may feel their whole way of life can be threatened by these proposed radical changes; they will not realize the changes might be for the better and their way of life might improve. Seeing an oncoming change rapidly approaching can be a scary thing and there will be resistance.

Certainly there will be others resisting the change to a more equitable world government. Naturally all criminal elements will be upset that a more rational government might be approaching; they will need to be dealt with.

The wealthy have always felt their wealth automatically makes them superior beings, their wishes are more important than the lower classes. They will be disappointed with the notion everyone gets an equal vote, has equal sovereignty because they have always felt some people are more equal than others.

One final group counteracting the spread of universal sovereignty is the large multinational industrial conglomerates. They feel, as do many in our warped society, wealth and power is what is required to make progress; their exploitation of the poor and uneducated is one way they make a profit. Capitalistic greed is their driving force.

Each of these skeptical groups can be convinced if care and thought is brought into play. Always we must give information without emotion; getting into shouting matches cannot help the cause of reason; every point brought up must be addressed, because we do not know which is most important for them.

We must not rush the process of giving information. Radically new concepts need to be assimilated before they can be acted upon. Issues of global importance cannot be understood without careful thought. Give them time.

When introducing such radically new ideas it is easier for an individual with a similar social background to make an appeal for the Federation to a group of people; they can make a better impression on their audience. This applies whether we are approaching a bushman in remote Africa or a corporate executive in America or a farmer in Asia. Everyone feels more comfortable with like-minded people.

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