6 b – Earth Federation

Chapter 6 – Earth Federation

Earth Federation

The Earth Federation was initiated in the mid twentieth century. A Constitution for the Federation of Earth was approved and amended in 1991. More information can be obtained from the World Constitution and Parliament Association (www.earth-constitution.org and www.worldparliament-gov.org). The Constitution is a masterful document detailing the structure of the Federation.

The focus of the Earth Federation is the sovereignty of all humanity. It seeks to promote the welfare of all individuals equally based on their equal sovereignty. Its constitution is based on the moral foundations of the sovereignty of the people of Earth; it certainly has a solid foundation.

The Earth Federation will be a sovereign global unity based on the truth that the only valid sovereignty is that of all humanity. The so called sovereign nation-states of today have no valid basis for their claim to absolute sovereignty within their national borders. Looking at our native sphere from space discloses no reason one grouping of humanity should have any more validity or sovereignty than any other arbitrary grouping.

The reason we still have wars and constant threats of wars is because individual nation-states have this delusion of absolute sovereignty within their national boundaries. As long as we have absolute sovereign nations not recognizing any higher authority of law we will have wars, even global wars threatening the destruction of all mankind.

The only way to prevent these destructive wars and conflicts is to implement and enforce global government, which is elected by everyone on the face of the Earth voting in a free election.

Eliminating armies and weapons of mass destruction is the main requirement for any nation wanting to join Earth Federation. Nations must freely and fully give up sovereignty to Earth Federation in the same manner that individual states gave up sovereignty to the American Government. Any disputes between nations are settled at the global level while the individual states regulate affairs within the state according to Earth Federation guidelines. Each national government will regulate its own affairs according to the Federation laws, but all international affairs will be governed at the world level. Armed conflicts between nations will be prohibited.

A constitution for Earth exists and it is a masterful document.[1] It has been amended and ratified; it is a binding legal document. It is thorough in detailing the structure of government for the Earth Federation as well as the duties of each branch and agency. The procedure for implementing the constitution is detailed. Any nation will begin the process to join Federation of Earth when the majority of its citizens vote to accept the constitution. Before the nation can fully enter the Federation of Earth it must accept the Constitution and its provisions; they must deactivate or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, disband its military, and give the Federation half of the money saved upon disbanding the military.

This is from the Preamble of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth:

Realizing that Humanity today has come to a turning point in history and that we are on the threshold of an new world order which promises to usher in an era of peace, prosperity, justice and harmony;…

Conscious that Humanity is One despite the existence of diverse nations, races, creeds, ideologies and cultures and that the principle of unity in diversity is the basis for a new age when war shall be outlawed and peace prevail; when the earth’s total resources shall be equitably used for human welfare; and when basic human rights and responsibilities shall be shared by all without discrimination;…

We, citizens of the world, hereby resolve to establish a world federation to be governed in accordance with this constitution for the Federation of Earth.[2]

The governing body is the World Parliament, which has three houses. There is the House of Peoples, which has 1000 representatives who are chosen equally by the people of Earth. The House of Nations will have about 300 representatives; the number from each nation will be between one and three depending on the size of the nation. Finally there is the House of Counsellors, which will have 200 members chosen by colleges and universities. The latter is a vital feature because it is important to have people of learning involved in the legislative process. All department heads must be members of the parliament.

The World Executive is a Presidium of five individuals who are nominated by the House of Counsellors and elected by the Parliament in joint session. They arrive at decisions through consensus or by vote; there is no president of the Earth. Other major divisions are World Judges, World Police, and World Ombudsmus.

The World Ombudsmus, for example, is the public defender and its main duty is to “protect the People of Earth and all individuals against violations or neglect of universal human and civil rights” stipulated in the constitution;[3] we certainly need this because our money and power driven political system has nothing remotely approaching it.

There is a Bill of Rights (Article 12) with 18 rights detailed. For example, number 3 is: “Freedom of thought and conscience, speech, press, writing, communication, expression, publication, broadcasting, telecasting, and cinema, except as an overt part of or incitement to violence, armed riot or insurrection.”[4] Without a lot of legalisms the right is clearly stated as are the reasonable exceptions. This is a masterful document.

The structure of the world government is in place and the parliament meets regularly. The next step is to solidify it, to flesh out all the necessary departments, agencies and districts. Then we must make it real, to organize our lives around a higher global sovereignty, the sovereignty of all mankind. Our planetary history for hundreds of years has been built around the false concept of sovereign nation-states. Our history books are filled with tales of what this leader did, or perhaps what a particular nation might have done. We are now perched on the brink of a sudden shift in our global history. For these times we require more enduring visions; we need to bring global unity into our thoughts, into our everyday reality. Realizing the existence of the global sovereignty of all humanity is the task before us. All humanity deserves a more spiritually satisfying life. Everyone, without exception.

We have previously discussed the need for having a moral foundation in our lives. We have seen that idealists may idealize a particular goal and then fixate on it so much that the goal becomes their morality; it becomes an ideologically driven process. Once this happens anything is acceptable that promotes the goal; hence their morality is lost, as is their goal, witness Communism.

How does the Earth Federation fit into that discussion? Their focus is upon the sovereignty of all humanity. It seeks to promote the welfare of all individuals equally based on their equal sovereignty. Its constitution is based on “the moral foundations of the sovereignty of the people of Earth.”[5] It certainly has a solid foundation.

Eliminating armies and weapons of mass destruction is the main requirement for any nation wanting to join Earth Federation. Nations must freely and fully give up sovereignty to Earth Federation in the same manner individual states gave up sovereignty to the American Government. Any disputes between states are settled at the global level while the individual states regulate affairs within the state according to national guidelines. The situation within Earth Federation will be the same. Each national government will regulate its own affairs but all international affairs will be governed at the world level. Armed conflicts between nations will be prohibited.

Our society as described in the previous chapter is an evolved one, it just happened. The Constitution is a blueprint for building a more equitable society recognizing the equal value and sovereignty of each person on Earth. Human rights, human dignity, the demand for freedom and the demand for justice are universal; no evolved society can meet these vital demands.[6]

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  1. WWW.earth-constitution.org

  2. “The Earth Constitution” downloaded from WWW.earth-constitution.org 12/2/18, p 2

  3. Earth Constitution p 29

  4. Earth Constitution p 31

  5. “World Revolution Through World Law, Basic Documents of the Emerging Earth Federation;” Edited with an introduction and other writings by Glen T. Martin, Institute for Economic Democracy Publisher, Sun City, AZ, p 228

  6. Martin, p 52