6 a – Sovereignty

Chapter 6 – Earth Federation


Our beloved planet deserves a better political system. As a planet, we have no overall guidance; there is nobody to authoritatively put the childish, wicked, greedy and selfish people in their place so the rest of us can carry out our lives in a peaceful manner. The vast majority of humanity has no control over their existence; they have been abused, downtrodden and marginalized into humiliation and near extinction. The ultra-rich strive with much success to impose their warped views upon the rest of humanity. Again, our planet needs a better political system which would allow the people of Earth to speak their minds freely, openly and without oppressive, violent consequences.

Our governments have no long term plans to improve our condition. Everything seems to be reactionary, reacting to events based upon what happened in the past instead of planning for a better future. Governments deal with situations without considering future implications, with little thought of how the living conditions of their citizens can be improved.

Our society has gradually evolved over time to become the way it currently is; this evolution has been natural and apparently not guided. Because of this evolutionary process we have no common goals or standards guiding us toward a better and more peaceful world order.[1] We have no planetary system of guidance.

In our global system there is constant friction between nations; they are slow to recognize the rights of other nations and war is often a distinct possibility. The United Nations, by its very title, cannot adequately cope with this system of competing nations despite its heroic work because this body is founded upon the outdated notion of independent sovereign nation-states. Separate nations claiming full sovereignty over their territory cannot unite for the common good and simultaneously safeguard their own absolute sovereignty. It may well have been the best that could have been created when it was founded after World War II but today our global society cries out for something better. The millions of wasted lives on Earth cry out for something better.

There are two main sources for this chapter; first is The Urantia Book, specifically lectures Jesus gave at Lake Urmia near the Caspian Sea, Paper 134 sections 5-6, p. 1487-1491. The other is “World Revolution Through World Law, Basic Documents of the Emerging Earth Federation” by Glen T. Martin. Both references discuss global sovereignty.

Our planet has inherited a patchwork system of nation-states each claiming absolute sovereignty over its territory even extending out into the ocean and the sky above. The borders of each nation are usually arbitrary and subject to change; except for island nations there may be no obvious way to separate one from another. The photos of our beautiful blue orb from space show no boundaries between nations, only a blue marble appearing to be isolated in space.

Each nation claims the right to do whatever it wants to its citizens and its environment. The various nations are constantly competing on many levels; the United Nations is able to deal with many issues but unable to prevent wars or persuade powerful nations to refrain from harming its own citizens or the environment.

As long as nations claim absolute sovereignty over their territory it is impossible to have peace on Earth. The people of Earth must rise up and assert true sovereignty, that of all the citizens of this planet, this beautiful blue sphere in space. As long as nations cling to the fiction of national sovereignty there will be no peace on planet Earth. The destructive wars the people of our planet have to endure are the direct consequence of this false notion of national sovereignty. You cannot prevent nations going to war as long as they remain infected with the delusional virus of national sovereignty.[2] While it may appear war is a disease on our planet that is not the case; war is a symptom of the virus of national sovereignty.[3]

With scientific progress, wars are going to become more and more devastating until they become almost racially suicidal.[4] With atom bombs, missiles and other weapons of mass destruction we have now arrived at the point where wars are truly racially suicidal. It is imperative we find a way to end “the delusional virus of national sovereignty” before the next war. The future of life on our planet is at stake.

Our planet is one complete heavenly body; arbitrary lines drawn on paper have no validity other than historical precedent. When one segment of society, one nation, claims to formulate laws and regulations without considering global reality, that nation is not acting in a responsible manner. One nation can pollute the air or water going into another and will be restrained only by unenforceable regulations. “Democracy is a sham unless it is world democracy.”[5]

The only legitimate sovereignty is that of all the people of the Earth; anything other than this is fiction.[6] We are one Earth, one beautiful blue marble in space, one people; every thinking mortal is equally indwelt by a fragment of God. Arbitrarily selecting one group of humans and declaring they can decide for themselves how to construct their government while at the same time ignoring the rest of humanity is an insult to reason.

There are only two levels of genuine sovereignty, first is that of the individual who has the spiritual free will to make personal decisions. The second level is that of all humanity, there are no intervening levels.[7]

It will require the government of all mankind to solve the problems of all mankind. Nothing short of this can possibly work.[8] We have seen this on a smaller scale; first in America where the various states gave up their individual sovereignty to the United States. Also, England, Scotland and Wales fought many wars until they gave their sovereignty to the United Kingdom.[9]

To change the subject momentarily, the Bible states the Most Highs rule in the hearts of men.[10] The Most Highs are a group of three administrators who oversee as many as 100,000 planets.[11] The Urantia Book states the Most Highs control political evolution.[12] Among other things they guide the political evolution of the individual planets. Our political system can evolve only as fast as the evolution of our people. The best political system cannot be given to us until we have the intelligence, spiritual receptivity, discipline, and wisdom to properly implement and maintain it. Now is the time to seek God’s will in creating a better political system for our planet, to assist global political evolution; we need Earth Federation.

The Government of All Mankind is the next logical step in our political evolution. Only such a government with global sovereignty has any chance to bring warring nations together in peace and brotherhood. Sometime the supernational sovereignty of the planetary government of mankind will be similarly created by nations for their own benefit and for the benefit of all men.[13] This will happen and we must work to bring this global federation into existence; or wait for another war which could bring global annihilation.

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  1. “World Revolution Through World Law, Basic Documents of the Emerging Earth Federation;” Edited with an introduction and other writings by Glen T. Martin, Institute for Economic Democracy Publisher, Sun City, AZ, p 52

  2. 1489.1

  3. 1491.1

  4. 1490.3

  5. Martin, p 181

  6. Martin, p 66

  7. 1487.9

  8. 1490.5

  9. 1490.6

  10. Bible, Daniel 4: 17, 25, 32

  11. 488.4

  12. 1488.2

  13. 1490.1