Caligastia’s Prison World Revisited

Standing our Ground

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By far the most popular page on is “Urantia: Caligastia’s prison World.” This was posted in mid-February 2021 and still gets lots of hits. It discusses Caligastia, our former Planetary Prince who, about 200,000 years ago joined a rebellion against universe authority. Jesus defeated Caligastia over 2,000 years ago, but our fallen Planetary Prince, who is invisible to mortals, was allowed to remain free on our planet. Some questions not addressed in the previous posting are: why has it taken so long to remove effects of the rebellion? And, why must citizens of Earth decide between Jesus and Caligastia?

We look into these questions by discussing the introduction of sin into our world by the revolution, what is special about being an evolutionary planet, and the wisdom of delay. We conclude by evaluating the vital importance of our free will decisions.

Introduction of Sin

Evil is inherent in the natural order of this world, but sin is an attitude of conscious rebellion which was brought to this world by those who fell from spiritual light into gross darkness.[1]

Before discussing the introduction of sin into planet Earth a brief comparison of evil, sin, and iniquity is necessary. Evil is an unconscious going against God’s law, sin is a knowing deliberate going against God’s law, while iniquity is persistently going against God’s law.[2]

When committing evil, the individual does not know any better. On a young evolutionary world that has not been visited by higher truth, evil would be a common occurrence, the natural state. Later Caligastia arrived on planet Earth introducing higher values to our distant ancestors, and for about 300,000 years he did that effectively.

Our planet is located in the system Satania, when complete each system will have about 1,000 inhabited planets; we are planet 606 in our system. About 200,000 years ago our System Sovereign, Lucifer, declared rebellion against the Heavenly Father and universe authority; 38 Planetary Princes, including our Caligastia, quickly joined the rebellion. This premeditated rebellion against the universe government introduced sin to Earth. The higher truths were soon replaced by sin, deliberate transgression of God’s law.

Later Adam and Eve arrived to reintroduce higher truth but they defaulted on their mission; sin was allowed to spread. Later Machiventa Melchizedek fostered advanced truth; he was followed by our Creator Son Michael, whom we know as Jesus. Awareness of these truths is slowly growing, but sin is still strong in our materialistic society.

Component Units of Material Creation

In The Urantia Book, one paragraph in Paper 35[3] is especially relevant to this discussion. This is part of a discussion concerning Lanonandek Sons; the primary Lanonandeks are system rulers such as Lucifer, while the secondary ones are Planetary Princes such a Caligastia. The discussion in this section is based on this paragraph.

Evolutionary planets such as Urantia are the primary units of creation; it is on such planets that beings with free will dignity[4] appear as a result of an evolutionary process: humans such as us. Our Heavenly Father and all who are loyal to Him absolutely respect spiritual free will. Once human beings with free will appear on a planet, the primary focus becomes nurturing and guiding these beings; in the vast majority of worlds, mortals with free will are lovingly guided toward higher truth. Interfering with an individual’s free will decisions is contrary to the will of our Heavenly Father; it is sin.

When a Planetary Prince rebels against universe government, replacement rulers are appointed but they do not take office immediately. First the effects of the rebellion must be at least partially overcome. This is done by the Melchizedeks and others working to introduce higher truth. The appearance of our Urantia Book was part of this process for us. Our native planet obviously is nowhere near to being ready for a resident Planetary Prince because there is way too much evil and outright sin; reading news reports is a daily description of the inhumanity of humanity.

When a Planetary Prince goes into rebellion, all communication to and from his planet is cut off; prior to this it is possible to send messages to other inhabited planets and higher government. Once these lanes are cut, it takes a bestowal Son like Jesus to restore them and such a Son would only come after there has been stabilization in planetary affairs. For this to happen, a vast majority of Earth citizens would have to support Michael, our universe creator.

Before the rebellion can be terminated on Urantia, the majority of its citizens must choose to follow Michael, our Creator Son. We must work to combat the sin that was deliberately introduced by those who rebelled against our Heavenly Father. Every mortal on this planet must choose; even those who are unaware of extra-planetary affairs must choose between good and evil. The rebellion will be ended when we make these choices, when each of us makes such a choice.

Wisdom of Delay

The Lucifer rebellion, and Caligastia’s involvement on Urantia, took place about 200,000 years ago; to us that seems like an awfully long time. It is difficult for us to understand why it has been allowed to last so long. Our revelation devotes an entire section to explain this: “The Wisdom of Delay.”[5] Following is a condensation of this discussion.

Mercy is a primary characteristic of our Heavenly Father; mercy requires time for wrongdoers and those affected by their evil to make a final decision whether to accept or reject the mercy offered them. We are each given whatever time we need to make a final decision. Our Heavenly Father’s patient mercy requires time to unfold. This time-bound mercy allows the sinner to realize a mistake was made and accept salvation.

Since we live on a world where sin was deliberately introduced by rebels, each of us has been affected by their iniquitous actions and each of us must choose between good and evil.

If the rebellion were terminated too soon, sympathy could remain in the hearts of other citizens; every creature has to come to a firm decision about the rebellion, otherwise simmering sympathy is likely. Frequently, after wars on Earth there is a strong feeling of rage among the defeated; this is especially true in the Mid-East. These festering emotions can last decades or even centuries.

The Universe Mother Spirit proclaimed that the rebellion must not be hidden or half cured. She directed the angels to work for full disclosure and unlimited opportunity for sin-expression as the quickest technique of achieving the perfect and final cure of the plague of evil and sin.[6] If sin is not allowed to be freely expressed, it will still be in the mind of some individuals, a growing menace. Our society has many who harbor strong silent emotions which could erupt into violent acts.

Those in universe authority were advised to permit the rebellion to take its full and natural course, even if it should require a million years to wind up the consequences.[7] Unexpressed violent thoughts cannot be dealt with; only when they are expressed can they be countered. Citizens of Urantia have been immersed in the consequences of iniquity for so long that it seems to be the normal way of life. Each of us must choose.

Free will Decisions

Our ability to make spiritual free will decisions is more than a God given right, it actually defines who we are; we can freely choose between good and evil. We can choose between the way of eternal life and the way of sin. Each choice has consequences.

If we steadfastly select righteousness, then sin is somewhat reduced. The deliberate introduction of sin to Earth requires each individual affected to make the decision between good and evil. Those so affected include every mortal born on planet Earth until sin has been fully restrained, which naturally will take a very long time.

Our message is to begin a discussion about choosing good, thereby working for the time when Urantia will no longer harbor rebels against universe authority; when this happens, this will no longer be Caligastia’s prison world, because he and all his followers will have been obliterated. It will be as if they never existed.

Each one of us has to stand steadfast and make the righteous decision.

[1] The Urantia Book, the one column version page.paragraph. 1660.5; all references are to The Urantia Book.

[2] 1660.2-4

[3] 394.1

[4] 138.4

[5] 617.1-618.3

[6] 617.11

[7] 618.1


  1. This was a great read! It really ties together the facts, and the truths, of how the Lucifer rebellion continues to afflict our world. Thank you for this post and for doing the important and insightful work you do, and offer for free to the world.

  2. Well done!
    Thanks Doug for bringing the importance of the revelation part of the book to the forefront.

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