Winning Urantia for Michael

Out Into the World

“We are spiritual beings having a physical experience;” says a bumper sticker in the Northern Sun catalog. While we can all become spiritual beings, some are more spiritual (such as the Dalai Lama) than others. Each of us has an eternal future of growth and service before us; the only catch is that we must select it, choose to follow the plan our Heavenly Father has prepared for us.

We have received thrilling truths from The Urantia Book; how can we share them with sisters and brothers in a way they will accept them and incorporate the teachings into their daily lives? How can we present these teachings in such a way our audience will eagerly seek spiritual guidance; so they will know each thinking mortal on Earth has within them a literal spark of God. We have Heavenly Father within seeking to guide us into a greater awareness of God.

In this posting we discuss the essential components of our message; what we are going to become and say in our efforts to help win this world for Michael, our creator father also known as Jesus.

Current Situation

Society on planet Earth is in turmoil because of failures and rebellion in our distant past; these are discussed in several places on this website. The vast majority of our problems arose from a rebellion far from Earth, the Lucifer rebellion. 500,000 years ago our planet had a ruler, a Planetary Prince named Caligastia, who joined the rebellion about 200,000 years ago. A bit less than 38,000 years ago our Adam and Eve arrived to uplift our ancestors. They did not join the rebellion but they did default on their mission. Many negative characteristics of modern society are a direct consequence of the rebellion. “Dark Forces Operating on Earth” discusses various non-physical entities operating on behalf of our fallen Planetary Prince.

By far the most popular page on this website is “Urantia: Caligastia’s Prison World” which discusses since Caligastia is confined to this world until the rebellion is over, Earth is his prison world. We can either cooperate with Michael, or work with the prisoner, Caligastia, our fallen Planetary Prince. The conflict between those following Michael and those proclaiming false liberty, first announced by Lucifer, bleeds heavily into current events.

What This World Needs

The truth that everyone has a spark of God is mentioned briefly in the Bible,[1] but this is rarely mentioned in Christianity. There is hope this may be changing; in his speech at the first Sunday of advent this year, Pope Francis said we should be “always aware of the presence of God and to welcome Him in our daily lives.”[2] This thrilling news of God within should be a vital part of our message; God is within each thinking mortal, no exceptions. This spark of God is our Thought Adjuster. Our potentially eternal soul grows as a result of the freewill decisions we make under the guidance of this spark of God. As we make righteous choices in harmony with our Adjuster’s leadership, our soul becomes stronger.

This truth has broad implications for our lives. Since everyone equally has this indwelling God fragment, everyone has value and we all are equally sister and brother. When an individual is disadvantaged in any way, because of some superficial difference, God is being put down. We are all equally sons and daughters of God.[3] Our interpersonal relationships should be based upon this truth of universal brotherhood.

Our society is filled with anti-brotherhood sentiment such as mass shootings, anti-Semitism, anti-LGBTQ actions, and many other forms of hatred. Politicians amplify these hateful emotions so they can gain political power. News media are filled with stories of random violence. If our society is to survive, these feelings of hatred must be replaced with true emotions of brotherhood – love for each of our sisters and brothers. We recognize love as respect for the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all humanity. When the universal brotherhood of all citizens of planet Earth is realized, there will truly be peace on Earth.

This troubled world desperately needs a broad recognition of the value of human beings. How can we as individuals become ready to begin sharing these truths to a broader audience?

Preparing Ourselves

The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity.[4] Everyone has these keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. If we wish to grow spiritually we need to be sincere within ourself and with others. God wants to know if we can be trusted before giving us guidance into ways of service.

The last day of rest Jesus had on Earth was spent in the hills with John Mark. This youth followed Jesus and the apostles for most of their journeys. When he first went to hear Jesus Amos, a friend, went with him. Afterwards they returned home to Jerusalem and asked permission to follow Jesus. John Mark got permission from his parents but Amos did not.[5] Amos wanted to run away, Jesus said that would mean Amos could not be trusted to follow his duty. Such betrayal of trust is difficult to overcome. Later John Mark would write the gospel according to Mark. Jesus wants to know if we can be trusted.

Before we go out into the world proclaiming these truths we need to prepare ourselves; we have to be firm in our faith. We cannot be a reed shaken with the wind….[6]

Before presenting these truths we need a strong desire to comprehend them. There must be perfection hunger in man’s heart to insure capacity for comprehending the faith paths to supreme attainment.[7] A solid longing to improve spiritually is vital; otherwise our efforts will be weak.

This desire to improve has to be strong enough to overcome our physical and materialistic inertia. Our longing for spiritual growth has to be strong. The spiritual forward urge is the most powerful driving force present in this world; the truth-learning believer is the one progressive and aggressive soul on earth.[8] Only after internalizing these things, will we be fully ready to present such teachings to the world.

Going Forth With the Message

Jesus told us to go into all the world proclaiming this gospel to all nations, to every man, woman, and child.[9] The apostles concentrated their efforts in the Mediterranean Sea area; that is why today Christianity is mainly a Western religion.

Sharing of this gospel must go to all nations. All of humanity needs this message. The entire planet needs this message.

Our global society is destroying itself because of the message of fear promulgated by Caligastia and his followers. Our atmosphere of fear must be replaced by one of love and brotherhood.

The message of love, brotherhood, joy, and the presence of God within every thinking mortal must be given to all humanity.

Prepare yourself; then go forth!

[1] Bible; I Corinthians 3,16


[3] 1679.2

[4] 435.7

[5] 1921.6

[6] 1626.8

[7] 1118.4

[8] 2063.2

[9] 1824.6


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