Thank You, Spring

Spring is Busting Out

This Easter season we give thanks for sisters and brothers following these postings; we briefly list and summarize the most popular blog postings and Talking Points pages on We include a recent study of so-called near death experiences. There have been hits on the website from 22 different nations just this year. The most popular blog posting is from February 2021 and it still receives a lot of hits. This spring day we recognize there are indeed rays of hope signaling a better future for planet Earth; we give thanks.

Blog Postings

Interestingly, the two most popular blog postings are from February 2021. In first place is “Urantia: Caligastia’s Prison World” which has over five times as many hits as the second place entry; it continues to receive hits every month.

It examines why our fallen Planetary Prince Caligastia is allowed to remain on Earth even after being defeated by Jesus. The following three paragraphs are quoted from that blog.

We find no one specific reference detailing why Caligastia remains free to roam over Urantia; however, there are clear indications why this is the case. Caligastia deliberately introduced sin to our planet;[1] when this happens there are consequences both to the being who introduced the sin and those who received the sin, all mortal inhabitants of Urantia. These consequences need to be investigated and understood.

When rebellion is introduced into any system all those affected must choose between universe government and rebellion. Unlike mortals of 200,000 years ago, today we have widespread communication; practically speaking, most of us get the news and are aware of good things or bad things happening all around. Even those who are isolated from society or in a remote wilderness must make decisions based on what is best for the world they know. Each of us has to make that moral choice, declare where we stand between good and evil.

It is “creature free will” that determines when the replacement Planetary Prince will arrive on Urantia. We the inhabitants of Earth must decide where we stand, with Michael or with Lucifer and Caligastia. Only when this has taken place will the communication lines to the rest of creation open and our Vicegerent Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek, take over the government of our native sphere.

Christian Nationalism;” is the second most popular posting and close behind it is “Living the Teachings” from September 2021.

Talking points

In “Talking Points” the most popular is “Death Becomes Graduation” which has over 50% more hits than the second most popular page. This topic is especially pertinent in these times of COVID and societal unease. Following is a summary of this page.

Death is not the end; it can be the gateway into our eternal future. Life eternal is freely given to everybody who asks for it. All we need do is to follow God’s guidance, of Truth} choose to do His will.

After physical death the memory of our earthly life resides with our internal spark of God (known as our Thought Adjuster or adjuster) while the soul is placed in the custody of our guardian angel. After the adjuster and the soul are reunited in the resurrection halls we will awaken ready to continue our journey toward Paradise and God.[2] At this point we will no longer be physical, but we are not yet true spirit beings.

There are three kinds of death. One is intellectual death, which happens when the brain is damaged so much that the mind cannot function. In this case the Thought Adjuster departs while the life energies of the body continue. Depending on the choice of the individual, the adjuster will later return for the resurrection of that individual after physical death. In any case the physical body may continue to function.[3] Our society calls this brain dead.

The second is physical death, where our physical apparatus, the body, ceases to function, and we depart this earthly sphere.

The final type of death is soul death, which is final. When the individual has made a final decision to deny God, reject eternal life and universe reality, then the adjuster departs never to return. This is the final death from which there can be no resurrection and it comes as a consequence of the individual totally rejecting our Heavenly Father, rejecting spiritual reality.[4] Soul death may come either before or after physical death. In either case there can be no resurrection.

Realizing this, death now becomes our valediction time when we graduate from this preschool we call Earth into a wider reality, even cosmic reality. To paraphrase the poet Robert Burns: “we will be from a world of woe relieved and arise renewed in heaven.”

A recent article gives the results of a study analyzing so-called near death experiences;[5] we will soon post a revised version of “Death Becomes Graduation” incorporating these findings. You will be notified when this is posted.

Recalled experiences surrounding death happen more frequently today because of improved medical technology. These experiences have a uniform theme which can be summarized as follows. (a) Separation from the body with an expanded sense of consciousness and an awareness of death. (b) There is travel to a destination. (c) A meaningful review of life. (d) Feeling of being “home.” (e) There is a return to life. These findings are in full agreement with teachings in The Urantia Book.

In the Talking Points pages “Consequences of Rebellion” is in second place, and “Epochal Revelations” is in third place.

National Distribution

While we cannot track individuals, we are able to identify the country of origin for visitors to this website. The number of countries represented in site visits shows The Urantia Book is truly a global phenomenon. So far this year (early April) the site has had hits from 22 countries. These nations are grouped as: North America 3, South America 1, Caribbean 2, Europe 7, Island Nations 2, Asia 3, and Africa 4. That is a nice representation of planet Earth.


In honor of the new season we recognize the growth of a new spring; trilliums and other flowers are in blossom, Goldfinches mostly have their summer colors, life is being renewed. We certainly know there are very bad things going on all over our planet, but the changes associated with spring declare there is hope for a better future for our sisters, brothers and native planet.

The Talking Points page “Rays of Hope’ lists some of the global reasons for hope; this page has been getting more hits recently.

We thank you for following this website and we look forward to hearing from each of you with comments or suggestions; keep in touch.

  1. 1660.5, unless otherwise noted, all references are to the one column edition of The Urantia Book in the format page.paragraph

  2. 1230.3

  3. 1230.1

  4. 1229.9

  5. Retrieved 4/9/22

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