1 e – How Satanists Operate

Chapter 1 – In Darkness

How Satanists operate

Our next question is “How do the satanists operate?” We have no chance of counteracting their schemes unless we have an idea of how they operate. There are common themes in the way they work toward their goals of anarchy. We need to use these themes to recognize their workings and seek ways to counteract them.

The non-mortal satanists have continuing life and therefore they can make long term plans. Their plot to entrap Eve took a hundred years to unfold; likely they were planning it far longer than that. Carefully prepared long term plans have a greater chance of working. Caligastia and his followers have had thousands of years to plan and set up their program to defeat the current bringer of light, The Urantia Book, so we must carefully consider our actions. We may not have had nearly as long to prepare, but God has a plan to bring our native planet fully into the light of truth. If we are patient and follow His guidance, this will happen; we may even see significant progress in our lifetime.

Those working against the spread of truth can speak to the minds of mortals who cannot see them. Some of these mortals are won over by a gradual process that starts with a confidence building period; the non-mortals subtly feed them information in a way that wins them over to work in the campaign to defeat truth. One of their tactics is to exploit natural mortal weaknesses; since we are all mortal, each of us has weaknesses. This is nothing to be ashamed of; rather we need to be aware of our own shortcomings. We must not allow these weaknesses to be used to slowly lead us into going against the will of God.

We need to examine each suggestion that appears in our mind with respect to the will of God. If it involves anything illegal, immoral, or taking a shortcut it is not God’s will. If it involves taking unfair advantage of anybody it is not God’s will. If we are sincere and honest we will know His will.

Many mortals are driven by ego; they like to see their “name up in lights;” ego gratification is a powerful driver in their lives and it is a useful tool for the opponents of truth. Schemes are proposed to the mortals promising to inflate their ego and no doubt there are those who fall for it. Each of us needs to decide which is more important, of more lasting value: puffing up our ego or abiding by God’s will.

The non-mortal satanists utilize true long term planning and they have many mortals to manipulate into their plans. After analyzing how the various individuals respond to their suggestions they select candidates for further use; the non-mortal satanists select those who are susceptible to outside influence.

Once the candidates for inclusion in the opponents of truth are selected they are gradually fed suggestions that would promote the plan of the non-mortal rebels. Previously these thoughts in their minds were aimed at gaining their trust and to determine if they would follow the suggestions. Now the unsuspecting mortal becomes a member of those against truth.

To further their plans and to be certain the mortal subject will cooperate they naturally exploit any natural tendencies the individual may have. This is the same as any organization would do, to make the best use of their personnel.

Recently a document was published by a state-wide Urantia Book reader’s group that purported to declare that all the Urantia groups associated with the revelation would be found in default unless certain steps were taken by a specific deadline. This document was totally out of character with the teachings of The Urantia Book on many levels. To focus on only one area, this document declares, in bold print with underlining, we should remove all references to a personal religious experience from these organizations. The Urantia Book is all about each individual having a personal relationship with God so this demand runs totally counter to the teachings in the revelation, yet many students of The Urantia Book fell for this obviously satanist ploy to sow discord amongst the students of truth. Each of us needs to respond to such situations by thinking rather than emotional responses.

There are many seeking to undermine or discredit this new revelation of truth and we need to be wary of everything. We who have dedicated our lives to the furtherance of truth must use a specific ideal to measure everything against; we know The Urantia Book is truth because it has changed our lives and therefore this must be what we use as our pattern, our measuring ideal. If some document or declaration is in harmony with this truth it might be embraced, otherwise it must be understood for what it is.

All this sounds rather depressing, that non-mortal beings can speak into our minds and make unwanted thoughts appear. This may be depressing if there were nothing we could do about it; but there is something we can do to protect us from these thoughts, trust God. Once we totally accept God in our lives we are protected from these extraneous thoughts.[1] Accepting Him in our lives is a powerful antidote for the internal voices of falsehood. Caligastia is powerless against the sons of God unless they let him in. It is unlikely that anybody would knowingly invite the father of lies into their mind but such things are possible; there are lures Caligastia can use so the unwary might invite him in for a chat; they present opportunities to entrap even sincere truth seekers.

For those seeking truth a powerful lure is to promise secret information; for them learning something new, something hidden from others would be more effective than money or fame. They sincerely desire to learn more and it is this desire that entraps them. Wanting to learn more is not the problem, rather the problem is when this new knowledge is not in harmony with God’s will. If we sincerely pray for His will to guide us we will know how to respond to these suggestions and if we trust in His will, we will be given any needful information and assistance.

Mortals are naturally impatient. Forget a plan taking a hundred years to develop; waiting more than a few minutes is beyond many of us. This impatience then becomes a lure for the unwary; they are promised results if they rush out and do this or that. The impatience of Eve proved to be her downfall. Jesus was patient in many ways.[2]

Another lure used to trap the unwary is to promise personal gain, money or power. Those who speak into our minds can promise anything, even great wealth and power; for those who are material minded this can be a useful tactic.

We need to be mindful of how those opposing truth operate, to be wary of their subtle suggestions of a better way, a shortcut. God’s plan may be slow for us impatient mortals, but the creator of all things and beings certainly knows which way is best taking into consideration all relevant facts.

Now that we have an idea who opposes the distribution of truth and how they operate, we need to learn what we can do to counteract their efforts. How can their sophistry be exposed?

The most important thing to do is to totally trust our Heavenly Father. He has a plan, He is perfect and all powerful; His plan will work. Mortals view our situation as resulting from a lack of action on God’s part; we think nothing is being done and that He is unable to defeat this evil. The truth is that God delays acting until all mercy is exhausted, until everyone has made a moral decision between good and evil. God will not dictate what we should do; it is up to us to make the decision. God totally respects our free will choices, allows us to make our own decision. If we do choose to do His will and fully trust our Father’s guidance in our lives, we may be able to contribute to the struggle to win this planet back for truth and righteousness, a thrilling prospect.

How then should we proceed? How can we become better equipped to serve in the quest against evil in the world? One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose. Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it.[3] The quotation then says we should not attempt to live the literal life of Jesus, but rather to share his faith and trust in God; we certainly are not alone. We need to let God work in our lives; let Him transform us; let Him use us as He sees fit in the struggle to rehabilitate this wayward planet.

We must adapt our lives to be in harmony with the life of Jesus who followed God’s plan for his life and was triumphant. In a similar manner we should realize God has a specific plan for our lives and if we faithfully follow it we will succeed. As mortal individuals, we have no idea how to proceed on our own, but God certainly does know. It is only by following the guidance each of us receives that we can move forward and help to make this world a better place for everyone, a place where we can all prosper.

In Chapter 8 we discuss the covenant each of us can affirm; we then will be guided, protected and assisted by God and those working on His behalf.

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  1. All references are to The Urantia Book. The number refers to the single column version in the format page.paragraph 610.3

  2. See 1416.1 for example

  3. 2090.4