1 c – Main Characters

Chapter 1 – In Darkness

Main characters

As we have seen, the instigator of the rebellion was Lucifer, our system sovereign over two hundred thousand years ago. At that time he declared God does not exist and individuals should assert their own rights. His assistant Satan was won over to this idea and joined the rebellion. These two, Lucifer and Satan, were the primary individuals in the rebellion but they are now in confinement in the local system and no longer are able to contact the rebellious worlds or to spread their treasonous ideas any further.

On our planet the leaders of the rebellion were Caligastia and his assistant Daligastia. They, like Lucifer and Satan are invisible to mortals but unlike them, our planetary prince and his assistant are not held in confinement; they are free to move about on our planet and work their mischief.

In addition, our planetary prince had administrative assistants and helpers. Presumably some if not all of them went into rebellion with their leader. We do not know how many of these assistants Caligastia had but we do know that Abaddon is still their chief executive.[1] These beings are also free on our planet, they are not in confinement. If there were no more rebels than our previous planetary prince and his assistant there would be no need for a chief executive. There are beings out there working to defeat the latest revelation of truth to our planet.

Invisible beings like Caligastia and his followers can speak to us without our becoming consciously aware of them. When we meet someone on the street we see the person, are aware of the presence of the other and hear actual sounds as the conversation proceeds. What happens when the other individual is invisible? The interchange can still take place but now we do not see anybody there, what we are conscious of is a conversation within our mind. Have you ever had a discussion in your mind about whether you should do this or that? Perhaps your conscience or better self is on one side and the other side may be a satanist attempting to influence your mind, or it may actually be an honest internal discussion. Simply because we become aware of something in our mind does not give it validity; every potential decision we are presented with must be carefully scrutinized to see if it may be according to God’s will.

What exactly are the satanists attempting to do? First, they sincerely believe the proclamations of Lucifer, declaring God does not exist and everyone should exert their own personal freedom regardless of anybody else. This may sound good in theory, but this doctrine of unbridled personal liberty is indistinguishable from anarchy. Second, those under them, the mortal followers, may not necessarily believe the underlying belief system but they are willing to follow the suggestions they receive. They are receptive to the ideas appearing in their minds suggesting they take shortcuts or be insincere in some manner.

Our secular society has ignored spiritual reality at its peril. Society appears to be fixated upon superficial concepts rather than investigating eternal values. We must wake up to the vital importance of spiritual reality.

The mortal satanists follow directions they perceive in their minds. Anyone can receive thoughts in their mind which might arise from outside sources; that does not identify us as bad, what makes the difference is how we react, what we do about these thoughts. If you act upon these thoughts without considering if they are the will of God, then you may indeed be a mortal member of those who oppose truth.

By following the directions of the non-mortals with actions, the mortal satanists become subservient to the overall plans of the non-mortals. Their motives may be the very best but even the highest motives can be nullified if the actions resulting therefrom are not according to God’s will. By their fruits shall you know them,[2] if their actions appear to thwart carefully agreed upon actions we should think about their motives; in the possible consequences we get a glimpse of motives.

As was the case with Adam and Eve (see Appendix 2), trying to circumvent the careful plans of higher beings by rushing into action unprepared is most likely against God’s will and most certainly should be reconsidered; we cannot improve upon God’s plan.

One of the characteristics of the Lucifer rebellion and the Caligastia default was they were impatient; most of their goals they would have attained if they had only waited for them.[3] Therefore their plans to thwart the latest revelation will involve this thoughtless rush to action; this impatience was a major reason Adam and Eve defaulted on their mission and so must we guard against this temptation.

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  1. All references are to The Urantia Book. The number refers to the single column version in the format page.paragraph 602.2

  2. 64.7 and 1601.2 for example and Bible, Matthew 7:16

  3. 1302.6