Parable of Talents

Where is True Value

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The parables of Jesus are a rich source of spiritual truth. In them he gave out spiritual wisdom that could be understood by those seeking truth but others without spiritual insight would only perceive an interesting story. These parables are spiritual gems.

Biblical version

One of these is the parable of the talents.[1] In the time of Jesus a talent was a unit of weight equal to about 75 pounds.[2] In the traditional account of this parable a certain rich man wanted to take an extensive journey abroad. Before he left he divided his wealth among his servants, giving various stewards differing amounts of his wealth. To one he gave five talents (375 pounds of silver), to another he gave two and to another he gave one. The steward with five talents traded until he had earned another five talents. The one with two talents also doubled his money, earning two additional talents. The steward with one talent dug a hole in the ground and buried his talent.

When the Lord returned sometime later he asked for an accounting of what was done with the funds. The steward with the five talents produced the five additional talents he had earned; he was told “well done good and faithful servant.” The steward with two talents came forward and produced two more talents and he was also praised for his faithfulness. Both were given additional responsibility. When the steward with one talent came forward and produced only the one talent that he had hid in the ground the Lord said “You are an indolent and slothful steward.” His one talent was taken from him and given to the steward with the most.

No matter we might do with the talents we are given, there will be an accounting, a determination of what we did with the gifts we received. What did each of us do with the gift that God bestowed upon us? Rewards will be given according to our free will choices and our efforts.

Updated telling

This parable begs to be updated to our “modern” civilization. In this retelling of the parable we use the current meaning of the word talent.

In this revised parable Jesus handed out talents to various groups of individuals before he left Earth. He gave one talent to farmers, one to thinkers and one to religionists (among others).

He is now asking for an accounting of what was done with the talent. The farmer says the productivity of the land has increased many times by the use of the talent. The thinker describes the many scientific and technological advances that have been made with the talent. These advances make information available to the people and lessen the physical work necessary to live a comfortable life. Both are highly praised and given rewards.

The religionist says that the teachings of Jesus have been written down and followed meticulously; they have not allowed any changes to be made in the Holy account of his life. The talent has not been allowed to grow or change for more than two thousand years. What would Jesus say? How would he reward these slothful and indolent stewards?

When our religionists who have jealously guarded spiritual truth, codified it and imprisoned it in dogma are called to account for their actions, how can they reply? What would Jesus say?

Everyone of normal mind on the face of this blue orb in space we call Earth has a vital spark of God within, guiding and leading each of us toward greater spiritual awareness. How will we treat this God within? What will we do with the gift our Heavenly Father has given each and every one of us? Everyone has received a talent; what have we done with it?

What would Jesus say?

Further Reading

“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”

Chapter 2 – Spiritual Reality

Urantia Book

Paper 176        Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet

                        Especially Section 3 – Later Discussion at the Camp

  1. The Urantia Book; 1916.4 and Bible, Matthew 25: 14-29

  2. Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Edition, New American Standard Bible, 1995 update, Moody Press, Chicago, 1995, p 496.